Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Chain of Responsibility pattern

According to the GOF’s definition:
“Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request. Chain the receiving objects and pass the request along the chain until an object handles it”

This is how Chain of responsibility works:
1. The base class maintains a “next” pointer.
2. Each derived class implements its contribution for handling the request
3.  If the request is not able to be processed by the class then it delegates to the “next” pointer of the base class and so it goes on.
4. The client forms the order/links the chain.
Chain of Responsibility simplifies object interconnections. Instead of senders and receivers maintaining references to all candidate receivers, each sender keeps a single reference to the head of the chain, and each receiver keeps a single reference to its immediate successor in the chain.
Do not use Chain of Responsibility when each request is only handled by one handler, or, when the client object knows which service object should handle the request.

Consider a leave management system, If you applying for not more than 5 leaves then directly your reporting manager can approve it, if it is more than 5 then he will decline it and you have to again move the request to Program manager, instead you moving the request, the reporting manager can directly delegate to Program manager and Program manager to Management and so on.
Handler: An interface or abstract class which contains the “next” handler.
Concrete handler: Actual request handlers
Client: The employee who request for leave


1. ATM machine
2.  Leave management system



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